SOMETIMES WE LIE, A LITTLE, BUT THE MOST OF ACTIONS WAS ..REAL. We sorry for no fotodocumentation older ones.

Activities 2006:
Rebirthfication.. action of Followers very strange for them.. Library where we live and works, we share with various Toxicommunists and even Aliens, trying to "save us" - but we thanks anyway for cooperation after all..
We write a letter to the Town Hall of Kohoutovice. Signed Frenkk Q'Punk with real name. THE FOLLOWERS are sponsors of IGUANA GREEN in Zoo Brno..
Situation starts normalizate.
Paradoxly after succsesful explozive attack of enemies in our base. RE-ACTION "BB" YET!!
Activity 2005:
Colapse. Almost our Apocalypse.. more informs in XAOS ORG.S, it's on their responsebillity... RE-ACTION "YOLLY" YET!!
Paradoxly we connect InterNet and got new computer.
We send a letter to Government of CR and sign it like L.N. (Liberation National) as desperate try for any political changes to better situation without lost XAOS ORG.S hopes..
Activity 2004:
Year of collection autograms for official registration part of XAOS ORGANIZATIONS, hard works on CyberNet and beggining of our Devolution..

Activity 2003:

Activity 2002: